Xseries Driver

This drive unit is not only highly advanced and built in-house in Denmark, but is also a piece of art.

Raidho’s Ceramix technology starts with a thin, aluminum cone and then uses a liquid plasma process and incredibly high voltage to transform the outer skin of the metal to aluminum-oxide ceramic. It’s a time-consuming and costly process, but the finished cone is a unique, natural sandwich, with thin, stiff skins on either side of a ‘softer” aluminum core, creating a structure that is stiffer and with excellent self-damping. Breakups first enter at an incredible 12.5kHz.

The motor system consists of strong neodymium magnets focused around a very open system, allowing ventilation to the driver with the benefit of cooling the titanium voice coil and removing part of the design that usually causes distortions.

The result is that the speakers disappear even more from the equation, drawing a soundscape without audible distortion and with a pitch-black background that made the instruments stand out and create a holographic soundstage.

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